What to expect during our service

Upon entry into the building, you will be welcomed by our guest greeters. We are a “come as you are” congregation with no specific dress code, some people are dressy, others more casual. We are a diverse group of people from different social-economic levels and  different geographical areas all united in the love of God and his Word. We would LOVE to have you visit with us.

Our Service are patterned after the acts of worship as shown in the New Testament.

We are commanded by God to meet every Sunday and participate in the following activities:

Singing. In the church of Christ, we lift our voices to the Lord unaccompanied by instruments.. In the Old Testament, instruments were permitted for use in some worship services. The New Testament is silent in regards to instruments being used in worship, since we only practice what we are commanded, instruments are not permitted for use in worship services. (Eph 5:19Col 3:16Heb 2:12James 5:13)

Giving: God has commanded members to give back to the Church as he has given to each of us. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)This is done to finance the work of the church. Visitors may choose to give if they desire, but are not obligated to do so.

Praying: Prayer is our way of communicating with God. Prayers can include whatever you desire to talk to God about, items such as thanksgiving, requests for help, praises unto God, and confessions of sin. (Acts 2:42; Tim 2:1 & 2)

Preaching/Teaching: There will be a gospel sermon (Acts 20:7). We strive to have our sermons apply to everyday living to aid you in your walk with Christ, as well giving you a deeper understanding of God’s will for your life. You are welcome to ask questions following the worship service.

Communion (members take communion weekly): God has commanded the members of His church to take Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, every Sunday in remembrance of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. (1 Cor 11:23-29). Communion consists of two elements: unleavened bread representing Christ’s body, and the fruit of the vine representing his shed blood.

In addition to the activities above, we have an invitation. During invitation, we invite those who would like the congregation to pray for them to come forward and make a brief statement. We also read cards from those who would rather not speak. At this time those who would like to be added to the Church can express their desire to be baptized or place membership from another church of Christ congregation